Media Appearances

In this section you will find my numerous appearances in a variety of media - videos, interviews and articles all featuring me. Enjoy! If you find any others please let me know.

Other Articles

Autism, coding and VR with Microsoft and CASPA

Microsoft, Dennis Publishing and CASPA, the charity for which I am patron, all come together in a unique event I organised to help autistic people into the world of employment. - 7th July 2016

Autism - straight from the horse's mouth

An article based on the talk I gave introducing employees at Dennis Publishing to their 2016 charity of the year, CASPA. - 8th April 2016

Author Visit - raising awareness of the reality of autism

Gareth D Morewood reviews Michael Barton's visit to his school during Michael's UK tour.

SENCology - 10th November 2014

Autistic author explores English Language from a unique perspective in "A Different Kettle of Fish"

Michael Barton features on website

Homecare - 3rd November 2014

Michael Barton BBC Surrey

Michael Barton was interviewed by James Cannon on BBC Surrey.

BBC Surrey - 2nd July 2014

The Autism Commute

Michael Barton, 22, has high-functioning autism and has just finished a degree course. He is currently promoting a new book - his second in three years, entitled A Different Kettle of Fish - A Day in the Life of a Physics Student with Autism.

BBC Ouch - 30th June 2014

Autistic Scientists Might One Day Prove to Be the World's Saviours

Michael Barton explains the potential that people with high-functioning autism have in the world.

Huffington Post - 2nd June 2014

Hitting the nail on the head for people with autism

Physics undergraduate Michael Barton unlocks the mysteries of everyday expression for those on the autistic spectrum.

University of Surrey - 25th November 2013

Growing Children - Autism

A documentary presented by Laverne Antrobus about understanding the different way that the brain works in those with autism, in which Michael Barton was featured.

BBC4 - August 2012

Mapping the language minefield for kids with autism.

Going bananas. Laughing your head off. Phrases that aren't literally true make no sense if you have autism, like Michael Barton

New Scientist - 2nd April 2012